Staff Training


Holding a training session for leadership and staff around best practices in using evidence, data and innovation is a useful way to not only build new skills within an organization, but to also brainstorm about which practices and strategies are most ripe for implementing.


Q1. Why are training sessions useful for organizations that want to strengthen outcomes and impact?

Interactive training sessions, whether a few hours or a day long, allow leadership and staff to build their awareness and understanding of leading results-focused practices. That includes best practices in using evidence, performance information and innovation at the federal, state and local levels.

Q2. How can training sessions also help prepare organizations to adopt leading practices?

A useful training session should be more than a learning session. It should also be a chance for participants to brainstorm which strategies and practices discussed would be most useful for the particular challenges and context faced by the organization. That means, ideally, allowing time for brainstorming about key organizational challenges, which strategies would be most useful to address them, and what implementation factors and resources would be needed to implement those strategies.

Q3. What topics can be covered in the training sessions? 

Depending on the needs of the organization, topics can include:

  • Overviews of performance measurement and performance management concepts
  • Rapid experimentation
  • Using behavioral insights
  • Developing learning agendas
  • Using logic models
  • Understanding the concept of impact and the value of rigorous program evaluation
  • Using disciplined innovation (meaning trying new approaches but testing assumptions)
  • Weaving evidence into grants and contracts
  • Using performance leadership strategies such as PerformanceStat


Please contact us if your organization is interested in staff training on best practices in results-focused leadership and management.